Program Rules

PROGRAM RULES “Recommend a Programmer and Win a Cash Prize!”


Whenever the following terms are used in these Rules, they shall be understood as:

1.1. Organizer – Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK, with its registered office in Wroclaw at ul. Na Ostatnim Groszu 3, 54-207 Wroclaw, entered the National Court Register under the registration number KRS: 0000457283.

1.2. Program – “Recommend a Programmer and Win a Cash Prize!” program organized by Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK, specifically described in these Rules, as part of the recruitment process in Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK. The Program covers positions specified in job offers posted in locations indicated in these Rules. The Program helps to recruit specialists for existing positions.

1.3. Rules – These rules of the “Recommend a Programmer and Win a Prize!” program.

1.4. Offer – a job offer identified as participating.

1.5. Promoter – a person who has sent an email message with contact details or the CV of the applicant to the email address: during the Program. The application of the Recommended Person forwarded by the Promoter must include a clause regarding the consent of the Recommended Person to process their data during the recruitment process within the program “Recommend a programmer and win a prize!”

1.6. Recommended Person – a person who meets the formal requirements indicated in the job advertisement posted by the Organizer, who is not currently an employee of the Organizer, and has not yet started the recruitment process in the company.

1.7. Employee – a person with whom the Organizer has an employment contract or a civil law contract.

1.8. Recruitment process—Contact the Recruitment Specialist and the Candidate, discuss the job offer, and show interest in participating in the recruitment process at Altimi.

1.9. Reward – monetary prize, due to the Referrer from the Organizer, based on the rules indicated in the Regulations, in the amount specified in point 5.

1.10. Employment – employment of the Recommended Person based on an employment contract or civil law contract, provided that the Recommended Person receives a monthly remuneration not lower than the minimum wage applicable at the time of the Recommendation and the duration of the contract is at least 3 months.

1.11. Personal Data Protection Act – Act of 29 August 1997 on the Protection of Personal Data (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2016, item 992 as amended).

1.12. The Act on Personal Income Tax – the Act of July 26, 1991, on Personal Income Tax (consolidated text Journal of Laws of 2012, item 361 as amended).


2.1. The subject of this Regulation is to determine the rules of the “Refer a Programmer and Win a Prize!” Program.

2.2. The organizer of the Program and the entity exclusively authorized to interpret these Regulations is Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK with its registered office in Wrocław, at Na Ostatnim Groszu 3, 54-207 Wrocław, registered in the National Court Register under the number KRS: 0000457283.

2.3. The Organizer declares that the Program is not a game of chance, a lottery, a mutual bet, a game whose outcome depends on chance, or any other form provided for in the Act of 19 November 2009 on gambling games (Journal of Laws of 2009, No. 09, item 1540, as amended).

2.4. The program runs from January 12, 2022, to December 31, 2025, and may be extended by the Organizer. Eligible individuals are recommended individuals who made referrals during the program. The provisions of the Regulations apply to these individuals even after the program ends.

2.5. The program is open, which means that anyone can be a referring person, including employees of the Organizer, excluding employees of the Organizer who are responsible for recruitment/staff acquisition as part of their official duties. (Except for recommendations for Back Office positions, with the reservation that the search for a person for this position is not carried out by the Recruitment Department).

2.6. The employee can receive information about current job offers from the following sources:

– Job offers sent by email by the Marketing or Recruitment Department of Altimi company
– Job offers published on the internal communicator “Teams”
– Job offers published on social media platforms such as Facebook, Linkedin
– Job offers published on job portals such as Buldogjob

2.7. An external Referrer can receive information about current job offers from social media platforms and Altimi accounts, such as Facebook, and Linkedin.

2.8. Description and conditions of the program are available: for internal employees on and on the internal Teams messenger, in the “Files” tab, and for external individuals on

2.9. The Referring Person can recommend a person with their chosen specialization without specifying a specific job offer. For this purpose, it is necessary to send a recommendation to the email address:

2.10. Participation in the Program is voluntary and free of charge.


3.1. The Referrer may participate in the Program by making a referral.

3.2. The condition for making a referral is:

1) Providing personal data of the Referrer, namely:
• First and last name,
• Contact details: phone number, email;
and including a clause regarding the consent to process the Referrer’s data for this Program.

2) Providing data on the Recommended Person. The following information regarding the potential candidate can be interpreted as a recommendation:
• Candidate’s full name,
• Specialization or information about a potential offer matching the candidate’s profile,
• Contact details: phone number, email,
• CV (preferred).

3) Familiarizing oneself with the contents of these Regulations and accepting their provisions via email, in the manner specified by Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK.

3.3. The use of the candidate’s contact information is only possible when the candidate is informed about the sharing of their data, gives consent to it, and is interested in cooperation and starting the recruitment process at Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK.

3.4. In the case when the candidate refuses to enter the recruitment process, the Organizer adds the candidate’s data to the “Warning List” to avoid any violation of the Personal Data Protection Act.

3.5. The “Warning List” is an internal list of candidates who have refused to enter the process and have not allowed the use of their data.

3.6. The Recommending Person does not need to confirm the skills and knowledge of the candidate.

3.7. The Recommending Person has the right to receive information about the acceptance or rejection of the candidate from the Organizer.

3.8. The Recommending Person cannot recommend themselves.

3.9. The Recommending Person can participate in the program multiple times, recommending different candidates, according to the rules specified in these Regulations.


4.1. The referral should be accepted and approved if:
• The Recommended Person is not listed in the internal database at the time of accepting the referral.
• The Recommended Person is already in the internal database (not on the “Warning List”), but has not participated in the recruitment process at Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK for the last 3 months. If the Recommended Person is already in the process, the referral cannot be accepted.
• If the Recommended Person has not applied to Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK for the last 3 months.

4.2. After 4 months, the recommendation expires. It can be extended if the referrer repeats the recommendation procedure as stated in the regulations (keeping in mind that the Candidate does not participate in the recruitment process on behalf of Altimi after this period of 4 months).

4.3. If the recruiter introduced the Recommended Person into the process towards the end of the recommendation’s validity and successfully hired them, the company finances the reward regardless of the expiration date of this recommendation.


5.1. The award is financed from the Organizer’s funds.

5.2. The award for a specific recommendation can only be financed after the candidate’s employment. In this case, the Administrator checks the status of the closed offer.

5.3. The award is due to the Referring Person after the successful employment of the Recommended Person and the period worked by the Recommended Person on the client’s project mentioned in points 1.10, 5.4, and 5.5.

5.4. The amount of the reward for recommending a candidate varies depending on the type of position (TYPE). The organizer reserves the right to make any necessary changes to the amount of the reward. The reward for recommending a candidate is paid in three installments after the Recommended Person has worked for one, two, and three months respectively (assuming a minimum 3-month contract is signed with the Recommended Person). The amount of the reward is determined by the following table:

Position type – TYPE

Total reward amount in zł*

Payment rate after 1 month of work in zł*

Payment rate after 2 months of work in zł*

Payment rate after 3 months of work in zł*

IT specialist with over 5 years of experience (e.g., Senior Developer, Senior Test Engineer, PM, Architect)

8 000

3 000

2 500

2 500

IT specialist with up to 5 years of experience

5 000

2 000

1 500

1 500

*net amount

5.5. In the event of concluding an agreement with the Recommended Person for a period shorter than 3 months or in the event of terminating the agreement with the Recommended Person by Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK for reasons unrelated to the Recommended Person within a period shorter than 3 months from the start of their employment, the Referring Person is entitled to additional installments of the reward, which will be paid within 30 days from the date of termination of the agreement with the Recommended Person. In the event of extending the initially concluded agreement with the Recommended Person for a period shorter than 3 months, the reward will be paid according to the terms specified in clause 5.4.


6.1. The Referring Person shall be informed by the Organizer about the awarding of the Prize within 14 days from the date when the conditions mentioned in point 5 of the Regulations are met, or the refusal to grant the Prize in case the conditions mentioned in point 5 of the Regulations are not met.

6.2. The cash prize will be paid to the Referring Person to the bank account provided by them within 30 days from the submission of signed statements on personal data to the Organizer to prepare the tax information form (PIT 8C), as well as information on the value and taxation rules for the Prize. Sample statements for the Referring Person are attached as Annex 1 and Annex 2 to the Regulations and have been published on as an integral part of the regulations.

6.3. The prize constitutes income for the Referrer by the Personal Income Tax Act. The Organizer is obliged to prepare and send to the Referrer, as well as to the relevant tax office, a tax information form PIT – 8C, under the provisions of the Personal Income Tax Act. 


7.1. Providing personal data mentioned in point 3.3. and 3.4. of the Regulations is voluntary, but failure to provide them results in the inability to participate in the Program. 

7.2. The processing of personal data is carried out under the Personal Data Protection Act.

7.3. The Administrator of personal data collected to implement the Program, within the meaning of the Personal Data Protection Act, is the Organizer Altimi Sp. z o.o. SK with its registered office in Wrocław, at Na Ostatnim Groszu 3, 54-207 Wrocław, entered into the National Court Register under the KRS number: 0000457283.

7.4. Personal Data of the Referring Person and the Recommended Person are collected to implement the Program.

7.5. The person whose data is concerned may at any time access their data and request their correction or change.


8.1. Referring Participants in the Program may submit claims regarding the Program to:

8.2. The claim should specify the name and surname of the Referring Person, the name and surname of the Recommended Person, the correspondence address, and a description of the grounds for the claim. A claim that does not contain these details will be left without consideration.

8.3. The Organizer will review the claim within 14 days from its submission.


9.1. The Program Regulations are available at the Organizer’s headquarters and on

9.2. With a particular Referring Person, the regulations in the wording to which this person has agreed shall apply, even in the event of a change to the Regulations.